Rehearsals & Orchestra Policy

For our 2024-25 season we are planning to begin rehearsals in the fall on most Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. continuing through winter into the spring, except for a short break over the Christmas holidays.  Plans for winter concert dates in January 2025 and spring concert dates are yet to be finalized.   String musicians interested in becoming members of the CCSO are welcome to contact us at: .

Cowichan Camerata String Orchestra (CCSO) Information & Policy Statement Fall-Winter 2023 and Winter-Spring 2024 Terms (Updated Sept. 13, 2023)

This orchestra began in autumn 2006 as an opportunity for string players of varying abilities from a wide range of ages to gather and produce beautiful music for the community. Commitment is expected of each member to practice and attend rehearsals consistently to achieve best possible performances at end of term concerts. If sick with fever or other symptoms of communicable disease please stay home until feeling better. Any potential future public health orders affecting gatherings must be followed by our organization.

Those interested in membership are requested to have a meeting with the Music Director (accompanied by a board member if possible) for evaluation purposes to determine readiness to play with the orchestra and whether lessons may be recommended before joining. Orchestra dues for the 2023 fall-winter and winter-spring indoor sessions have been set at $100/adult and $80/youth (< 19 years of age) per term. Dues provide necessary funds for paying our conductor and covering other operating costs including venue rentals and insurance. Please pay the treasurer before September 30, 2023 and January 31, 2024.

Regular rehearsals will be held on Saturdays, 9:30 a.m.—12:30 p.m. in the Duncan area. A commitment to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of rehearsals (30 minutes before concert performances) is required in order to set up your own chair, music stand and tune up instrument, etc. Members who must miss a rehearsal should notify their section leaders if possible or else the Music Director. Rehearsal audio recordings may be made available to assist with learning and to review the Music Director’s instructions. The conductor reserves the right to inform certain members if they have not attended enough rehearsals and are not sufficiently prepared to perform in concerts with the orchestra. Performance dates are planned for Saturday, Dec. 9 th in Ladysmith, and Sunday, Dec. 10 th in Duncan. Spring concert dates are being planned for April 2024, dates and venues TBA.

Ongoing operations of the orchestra are handled by an elected or appointed board of directors. Please consider serving on the board of directors for a two-year term. Our website  and Facebook page Cowichan Camerata String Orchestra are periodically updated with information including upcoming concerts. Those interested in joining are welcome to contact us at . Your signature below indicates that you agree to abide by the orchestra policies outlined above, that you assume any risks of participating and that you are aware that rehearsals and concerts may be recorded (audio and visual) for learning purposes and publicity.

Email: _____________________________________________________. Cell Phone #: __________________________.

 ____________________________________________ (print member name). Home Phone #: _____________________. 

________________________________________ (signature of member/guardian). Date: _____________